Maria Filomena Araújo Costa Cruz Carnide


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Publicações relevantes
  • Assunção A, Mollaei N, Rodrigues J, Fujão C, Osório D, Veloso AP, Gamboa H, Carnide F. (2022) A genetic algorithm approach to design job rotation schedules ensuring homogeneity and diversity of exposure in the automotive industry. Heliyon.;8(5):e09396. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09396. eCollection
  • Bernardes SMF, Assunção A, Fujão C, Carnide F. (2022). The role of work conditions on the functional decline in senior workers in the automotive industry. Work.;72(2):753-763. doi: 10.3233/WOR-213638.PMID: 35527614
  • Assunção A, Moniz-Pereira V, Fujão C, Bernardes S, Veloso AP, Carnide F (2021). Predictive Factors of Short-Term Related Musculoskeletal Pain in the Automotive Industry. Int J Environ Res Public Health.;18(24):13062. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182413062.PMID: 34948670
  • Bernardes SMF, Assunção A, Fujão C, Carnide F. (2020) Normative reference values of the handgrip strength for the Portuguese workers. PLoS One.;15(8):e0236555. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236555. eCollection 2020.
  • André HI, Moniz-Pereira V, Ramalho F, Santos-Rocha R, Veloso A, Carnide F. (2020). Responsiveness of the Calf-Raise Senior test in community-dwelling older adults undergoing an exercise intervention program. PLoS One.;15(4):e0231556. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231556. eCollection 2020.PMID: 32348321
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